FarSync X.25 T4Ee PCIe (PCI Express) X.25 Network Adapter 4 Port

FarSync X.25 T4Ee PCIe More Like This The FarSync X.25 T4Ee product is a high quality X.25 solution for business, government and military applications, it has been developed to provide high performance, versatile X.25 connectivity for Linux and Windows systems. The PCIe card will support 4 X.25 lines at speeds to over 2.048 Mbits/s. The highly flexible universal network connector supports RS232, X.21, RS530, RS449 and V.35 network interfaces. A number of different line signaling methods are handled, including NRZ, plus the self clocking (clock for the data is decoded from the incoming data line) NRZI, Manchester Encoding, Conditioned Diphase (also known as Differential Manchester), FM0 and FM1.

Linux: The Char I/O API provides a programming language independent, high-level interface to the FarSync base driver it supports access to bit synchronous (HDLC) framed, transparent bitstream and asynchronous data. The cards can also use the TCP/IP stack to allow access to IP based networks such as the Internet. It also allows selection of the full range of clock modes. The link level protocol can be PPP, Cisco HDLC or Frame Relay with optional authentication by CHAP, MSCHAP or PAP (RFC 1334) providing a standard point-to-point network interface. The card installs seamlessly as a plug and play device. The driver supports Linux kernel version 2.6 onwards, including the leading distributions supplied by Redhat, SuSE, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Slackware and more. Multi-processor systems are supported. The driver is dynamically loadable so a kernel rebuild is not required for the driver to be installed. FarSite is committed to supporting the cards on new versions of Linux and Linux kernels as they are released. The source code for the driver is supplied with the product allowing rebuilding by the end user for use with almost any of the current or future Linux variants. The driver supports both big-endian and little-endian memory storage formats. A configuration utility is provided to set the line speed, interface type and protocol, after which the ports may be configured with standard networking tools. Windows: The FarSync T4Ee supports a Windows based API, common to the entire range of FarSync cards/devices, it is referred to as the FarSync Windows API (FsWinAPI). This is an extension of the MS COMM API and enables, for example, applications developed to support COM ports, to be easily ported to use FarSync support in synchronous or asynchronous modes. This standardization enables the API to also be readily accessible from higher level environments such as .NET, C#, VB etc. The special clocking features are all accessible though the FsWinAPI. Async operation support is also provided by the Win32 COMM interface as well as FsWinAPI. The FsWinAPI provides applications with direct access to the card's communications port/s for bit sync (HDLC) and bisync framing and also transparent bitstream operation for video and voice type applications. The FarSync T4Ee can also be installed to appear as a NDIS (LAN) interface so it can simply use the TCP/IP stack over PPP to allow access to IP based networks. LabVIEW applications can access this card. The product is supplied with a comprehensive configuration utility, a typical screen is shown. The lines can be reconfigured and restarted without reloading the software. There is context sensitive help and an on-line manual should it be required. An advanced tab permits users to further specify the configuration of the line if necessary. The product is supplied with its own Line Monitor that allows the user to record, display and store line traffic with WAN protocol decoding for fast debugging.

See FarSite's W3 Page or PDF datasheet for more information and full features/specifications for this device.

Part Number and Description Price Add to Cart
F-FS6456 FarSync X.25 T4Ee PCIe (PCI Express) X.25 Network Adapter 4 Port $3,667.00 Buy Now
Software Options
F-FS9504 FarSync X.25 High Capacity Pack for Windows, up to 4095 simultaneous sessions $1,072.00 Buy Now
F-FS9505 FarSync X.25 High Capacity Pack for Linux, up to 4095 simultaneous sessions $1,072.00 Buy Now
F-FS9508 FarSync XOT (X.25 over TCP/IP) on FarSync X.25 Cards Extension Software for Linux
for use with FarSync X.25 hardware products like the T-Series line
$163.00 Buy Now
F-FS9511 FarSync XOT (X.25 over TCP/IP) support on Windows
Pricing on application to FarSite
PoA Contact sales via email
F-FS9610 FarSync SDK (Software Developers Toolkit) with Card API's for Linux and Windows $500.00 Buy Now
F-FS6076-HCR4 Quad port converter cable (EIA530/RS232C) for use with TCX1, TCV1, and TC449 2M $257.00 Buy Now
F-FS6052-TCX1 X.21 (V.11) DB-15M EIA-530 to X.21 transition connector 1 port $57.00 Buy Now
F-FS6053-TCV1 V.35 (V.35M) EIA-530 to X.335 transition connector 1 port $61.00 Buy Now
F-FS6054-TC449 RS449 (DB-37M) EIA-530 to RS449 transition connector 1 port $57.00 Buy Now
F-FS6090-NULLMX X.21 Double Shielded Crossover cable 15 pin D type female connectors 0.5M $111.00 Buy Now
F-FS6091-X21EXT X.21 Double Shielded 15 meter extension cable 15 pin D type female to 15 pin D type male connector $192.00 Buy Now
F-FS6097-NULLMR4 RS530 (RS422) crossover cable (suitable for FarSync T-Series and M-Series cards) 0.5M $111.00 Buy Now

Features and Specifications

x86Unix Win32

CE Mark

  • FarSite W3 Page
  • FarSite PDF datasheet
  • 4 port PCIe X.25 adapter
  • Includes IP over X.25
  • Sockets and Java APIs
  • APIs to X.25 and ISO Transport
  • Wide speed range - 150 baud to 2 Mbits/s
  • Network interfaces for RS232, X.21, RS530, RS422, RS449 and V.35
  • NRZ, NRZI, FM0, FM1, Manchester Encoding, Conditioned Diphase line signaling
  • 32 and 64 bit drivers for Linux and Windows
  • Up to 4095 simultaneous sessions per port
  • Developers Toolkit and Line Monitor
  • Support for openFT/FTAM
Warranty Information
  • FarSync five year limited warranty

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